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F-1 Race (cart)

F-1 Race (cart)

Game Boy

[Used] Cartridge Only

Regular price $7.99
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"F-1 Race for Game Boy® is the ultimate pocket-sized adrenaline rush where you can race tiny cars at breakneck speeds (or at least as breakneck as 8-bit graphics allow). Choose from four equally pixelated vehicles and zoom through tracks that range from mildly challenging to ‘why is that corner so sharp?!’ With multiplayer support via the Game Boy Link Cable®, you can finally settle who’s the fastest among your friends—or just crash into each other repeatedly for laughs. It’s Formula 1 meets go-kart chaos, with all the charm of a Game Boy® classic. Just don’t blame us if you start hearing 8-bit engine noises in your dreams!"

"Vroom Vroom Mutha Trucker!"

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Quality Assurance

We hold all used products that we sell to a high standard. We completely refurbish items that need it. We also thoroughly clean and test every item before we bag or box them, only then are they made available for sale. We are long time gamers who take pride in providing the best quality used products that we possibly can.

A Player's Choice version of the game (when applicable) may be substituted for the black label game shown in the photo. If an original case for a complete in box game has excessive damage we replace them with new 3rd party cases. The artwork will always be original.

Used items that are pictured are stock photos unless otherwise noted. The product you receive may show signs of wear.