The Tyton Difference
Here at Tyton Games we care about the condition of our games and the quality of our products. Every game we buy goes through a multi-step process before it is made available for sale. Here is a quick look at some of the work that goes into bringing you your favorite games at a level no other game store can match!

We've probably seen the worst of the worst and honestly this one isn't that bad. None the less, it's still a grimy game and needs a good bathing. We have safe methods for removing all kinds of unwanted and unknown substances from our games. We can even get off most magic marker without removing the texture of the cartdrige.

Here is the same game as above but after going through an extensive cleaning. Can you see the difference? That's the Tyton difference. Every nook and crany on each game is cleaned so that it can be made available for purchase in the best condition possible. Now it's on to cleaning and polishing the pins on the PCB because what good is fresh cleaned game if you can't play it?

99.9% of the time your cartridge based games won't play because the pin connector in your system is dirty and the pins on the game itself look like this! It may not seem that dirty to you but what you're looking at is more than enough to keep the power light on your NES flashing. If you want to see what cleaned pins look like scroll down to see the exact same PCB after we cleaned and polished it!

With a technique we've used for the past 13 years we are able to safely and completely clean and polish the pins on cartridge games. As long as your system is clean, this game will fire up every time you want to play it. We also clean the inside of the cartridge so no dust or dirt will be making it's way inside your console. Now it's time to bag it up!
Bagged and ready for the shelf!
Why bag the game you ask? Well, after all that hard work getting it looking all nice and pretty we don't want it to get dirty again. Dust from just sitting around on our shelves can cause problems come play time. The bag keeps the game clean! It's also resealable so any game you purchase from us will stay clean and work great if you keep it in the bag at home.